Stockton Stands and its Board of Directors tabled at Miracle Mile's "Whimsy Market." Individuals shopping were attracted by the offering of free henna by board President Tehreem Khan. Board members introduced people to the concept of CALL Stockton and how they can support the initiative.
Many were surprised that Stockton's city council had not adopted the pilot program but were enthusiastic about spreading the word. Members of the public can leave messages to their city council members and Mayor Kevin Lincoln regarding their support for a CALL Stockton pilot program. They can also volunteer with Stockton Stands by tabling at future events, phone- and text-banking, and spreading the word. Organizations and businesses can partner with CALL Stockton by promoting the pilot program.
We will also be hosting weekly meetings every Monday from 6:30 - 8:00 pm regarding CALL Stockton. Change won't happen till you stand up and do it yourself.
For more information regarding CALL Stockton, please check their website at callstockton.com